Second TRADERS Training Week: ‘Play’

The Inauguration of the Office for Public Play
Second TRADERS Training Week: ‘Play’ *
May 10-15, 2015
HDK School of Design and Crafts / University of Gothenburg


* The program of the Training Week is closed to the members of the TRADERS project.

The second training week of the TRADERS project has a focus on PLAY and participative methods for working with children and young adults on art and design projects in public space. This 6-day training acts as a mutual learning and research process between the TRADERS Early Stage Researchers, peers, stakeholders, a child group and experts. It aims to explore the values of collaborating with children and young adults in participatory art and design projects addressing public space matters, as well as to express new perspectives on the role of the designer/artist in relation to this. Starting from an empirical case with children in the city of Gothenburg, the training week aims to explore debate and writing as a method for research and reflection. The training week is hosted by HDK, School of Design and Crafts, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Download the Program “The Inauguration of the Office for Public Play” (TRADERS Training Week #2: Play)