TRADERS supervisor David Hamers (Design Academy Eindhoven) participates in État des Lieux, Friday 25 September 2015, Brussels
On Friday evening 25 September, the PeriFeria Festival welcomes État des Lieux for an immersive intervention on theory and urbanism.
How can philosophers, sociologists and other thinkers shed light on our understanding of the spatial and societal issues in the Northern periphery of Brussels?
État des Lieux invites you for a unique interaction between theory and place.
An installation based on conversations with sociologist Mathieu Berger, urbanist Wouter Bervoets, spatial researcher David Hamers, political scientist and philosopher Maarten Crivits, cultural philosopher Bart Verschaffel, political and social scientist Pascal Debruyne, artist Ief Spincemaille and architect Peter Swinnen will be presented on site.
Brownfield at the intersection of Broekstraat and Harensesteenweg
1800 Vilvoorde > Plan
Friday evening 25.09.2015
Welcoming at 7pm – Performance starts at 7:30pm
Admission is free, no booking required
The installation will be mainly in English
Take bus 58 (from Yser), bus stop Drie Fonteinen
Or walk from Vilvoorde train station (15min)
Or join a guided bicycle tour from metro station
Comte de Flandre (departure at 6:30pm)
État des Lieux 2015 is an organisation by Wouter De Raeve, Laura Muyldermans, Paoletta Holst, Pepijn Kennis, Rob Ritzen en Jorg de Vriese
In collaboration with City3 and UPV
In the framework of the PeriFeria Festival