Recipes for unControl
The Recipes for unControl project explores when and how young adults perceive borders and other forms of control in today’s public space. A group of 16 years old explored this issue through printing subjective narratives and recipes, prescribing how to deal with these borders in a playful way. All recipes will contribute to a pocket book, offering citizens new ways to explore public space. Konsthall’s Tryckverkstaden served as a working space for the youngsters to meet and exchange stories by experimenting with various printing techniques. The project was presented at Göteborgs Konsthall, December 2015 – January 2016
A project by the Office for Public Play / TRADERS with 10 grade students from ISGR and master students of Child Culture Design from HDK, in collaboration with Tryckverkstaden, Göteborgs Konsthall and Kulturförvaltningen Göteborg. With Tanay Dashottar, Ameya Deshpande, Leonora Ernst, Kaoru Fesenko, James Harte, Tova Persson, Stella Postleb, Kairi Pullerits, Paul Schindler, Oscar Teiffel, Max Zayashnikov.
Borders and control in public space — map, stories and Recipes for UnControl
The map enumerates and categorises what borders and other forms of control young adults encounter in todays public space. The series of subjective stories, presented in the collective print, give a deeper insight to the objective data of the map. In the second collective print, called “Recipes for UnControl”, the young adults propose recipes that generate new perspectives on how to deal with these forms of control experienced in public space. Rather than seeing control as borders that hinders them, the recipes offer ludic action and counter perspectives.
Bodies of Control, Gestures of Control and UnControl
How do we feel when we encounter borders, controlling us in public space? It is not always easy to talk about feelings and emotions. Sometimes our body reacts in a direct way and expresses more easily what we can’t say with words. The publications “Bodies of Control”, “Gestures of Control” and “Gestures of UnControl” collect expressions made by the body. In order to communicate about specific forms of control in a more direct way, the young adults developed a “gesture language” in which the hand plays an important role in warning for control or suggesting of how to counter this control, to uncontrol.
Recipes for UnControl, towards a pocket book
Starting from the collection of borders that young adults encounter in public space, presented in the map and the stories, we invited the visitors of the exhibition to make their own recipes. Using a typewriter, or other techniques offered in Tryckverkstaden, a new collection of recipes was made for the pocket book “Recipes for UnControl.”