Growing with Design
HDK School of Design and Crafts – part of the University of Gothenburg, and a TRADERS project partner – organizes a Child Culture conference, October 14-15, 2015:
Growing with Design
Discover more about design for and with children, through both theory and practice.
Discover more about design for and with children, through both theory and practice.
We offer you the chance to learn from – and network with – colleagues, peers and experts in fields related to our subject. There will be contributions from both practitioners and academics. Growing With Design is an unique opportunity to hear leading researchers, designers, artists and more within the important field of child culture design; as they share their ideas, ask questions and give answers, voice disagreements, and express their curiosity and playfulness. Over two days of lectures we will explore, discuss, learn and play around interesting questions, theories and thoughts connected to this exciting subject.
With: John Wall, Suzanne Osten, Gro Dahle, Helen+Hard, Nils Norman, Björn Dahlström, Febrik, Baupiloten, Lieselotte van Leeuwen, Mathieu Gielen, Designlab S, Annelies Vaneycken.